Thursday, November 6, 2008


A list for you; this is all I can muster at the moment...

Really excited about:
  • Obama ("yes we can!")!!!
  • The overturn of Prop 4

Really demoralized about:
  • The passage of Prop 8
  • The loss of Prop 5
  • The loss of Prop K in San Francisco
  • My therapist being a jackass (perhaps to be elaborated elsewhere)
  • My professor allowing lying students off the hook because she's too afraid to call their BS, but won't allow me to do it
  • Interviews with crazy people who yell at me and dump all their emotional baggage on my shoulders because they think they can
  • All the work I have ahead of me...

I think I need a personal pep talk from Obama.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Post-Halloween Reflections...

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays of the year.

When else do you get to stuff dozens of cute little munchkins full of several pounds of crazy-inducing sugar before sending them away to annoy their parents and not you? When else do you get to dress up like a jackass all day and no one bats an eyelash? When else do you get to smash other people's porch decorations, simply because they're there and you're drunk/bored/angry/sad? (*disclaimer*: I've never actually done this...but I could, 'sall I'm saying...)

Halloween is also an amazing time for wild drunken festivities (*rubs hands together with glee*). In other words, this is one of those delightful holidays when you are encouraged--nay, required--to throw caution to the wind, leave your inhibitions at the door, and party hardy. Similar to St. Patty's Day, but even better, because you can act like a drunken ass completely incognito if you'd like. The only problem is, unless you are in a large city and plan on bar-hopping the wee hours away, the people you are most likely to party with, are your friends. These are people who already know you, who will continue to know you after you/they have sobered up, and chances are, at least one of them will remember all of the asinine things you did whilst intoxicated.

Enter, my friend Mary (have I mentioned that all the names on this blogs are pseudonyms?). Sober, Mary is already one of the least inhibited people I know. I've always assumed that people like that don't have much further down the 'inhibitions-lost' trail-to-sloppy to go; she showed me.

Now, most of my evening was spent in a drunken happy daze, karaoke-ing like an asshat, and yabbering about nothing in particular with people whose company I enjoy. My fiance Scott was having a good time being drunkenly ornery with random people that he didn't really know (this is his usual M.O.). Mary spent much of the evening making kissy faces for the camera, humping people's legs on the dance floor, groping at people and telling everyone how hot they were (this, I can't really blame her for; everyone was kind of hot). Fastforward to the end of the evening when I am close to fully sober sitting in an IHOP waiting for a table with both Mary and Scott (all in a row with Mary in the middle), neither of whom remembers what sober means. Mary is now trying to forcibly put lipstick on Scott, who is both verbally and physically resisting with the greatest politesse that he could muster in his drunken state. She keeps trying to convince him that he needs to wear it so that she can "kiss it off of your lips because you're so hot"--I am sitting next to her boring holes in the back of her head...


Now, of all people, I totally understand the art of drunken flirtation. Who doesn't like to tell and be told how hot they are through a haze of alcoholic bliss? However, I draw the line at trying to make a move on my girlfriends' significant others, regardless of how drunk I am or how hot your significant other is--and yes, some of you have very hot dudes/chics, as the case may be. I am especially averse to making a move on your dudes/chics when you are standing right next to me. I'll say it once more: WTF?!!? I'm totally cool with other people having fluid relationship boundaries and/or practicing polyamory; however, just because you are practicing free love, doesn't mean everyone else will be: "back off, bitch!" (pulls out a bag of WhoopAss potatoes...) (*I might take this moment to point out that while I am generally politically progressive, a proponent of diplomacy and anti-war/anti-violence in the grand scheme of things, I am not strictly a pacifist--translated, this means that I will kick some ass wild-baboon-style if the circumstance calls for it).

Now, Mary quit her drunken slobberings as soon as I told her to cease and desist (mind you, Scott had already requested this about 15 times at this point), and then proceeded to loudly yell apologies and make a scene at IHOP before pronouncing that she was not feeling well (go figure)--I carted both their drunk asses to the car and drove them home.

Moral of the story? Intact social inhibitions exist for a reason--they prevent us from acting like complete asshats and pissing off our friends/families/pigs/random strangers/(insert weird entity here). If you are a known asshat when drunk, please drink responsibly or stay the hell away from the people you like, and whom you would like to continue to like you back.

Mary left my house in a hurry the next morning (er, 12noon is in fact "morning" after a long night of party-ness), without saying much. I'm not sure whether she was embarrassed for her ass-hat-edness, or simply couldn't remember it. Who the hell knows...